On the date of January 10, 2019 at the State Council of the Kulob State University named after Abubakullo Rudaki, Discussion of Scientific Thesis of Doctor of Tajik Literature and Journalism departmetnt at the State University of Kulob named Abubdulohi Rudaki, Safarzoda Manuchehr Najot, "Television - The Integrated Public-Integrated Integration ( In the case of TV channels in Khatlon's Republic of Tajikistan), the journalist was awarded a Ph.D degree with a PhD degree at 6D050400. The discussion was attended by: Doctor of Philology Professor, Jumakhon Alimy, Vice-Rector for Zafari Mirzoyon, Candidate of Philology Ph.D., Kholikova Zainalbi Sodiqov Yorali, Candidate of Philological Sciences Ashurova Nodira. Discussion was conducted with high questions and answers.