The library of the Kulob State University named Abuabdulloh Rudaki is an integral part of the University. It provides library and bibliographic services, education processes, scientific research, pedagogy and educational programs of the university, and also the center of knowledge, spiritual and cultural meetings. In the course of its activities, the library sets up a library of bookshelf and provides the necessary literature for readers, including professors, teachers, postersand students.
The Library of the Kulob State Universityhas a history of 73 years. In September and October 1945, for the development from Funds of Educational and Educational Literature on Different Sciences and Culture Libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tashkent, National University of Tajikistan, State University of Science, S. Ayni, NationalLibrary named Abulkosim Firdavsi got the number of 6374 scientific books, tutorials for readers.
The number of books from the university library for 2010 has increased from 213802 units and increased in the number of 69,438 units in 2016-2017, which currently holds 283,240 bookshops on various specialties:
Including: 56883 grade books, 112514 academic books, 37800 textbooks, 27619 political books, 38709 books, and 20375 instructional instructions. In the 2017 academic year, the number of 5382 books was converted to a library book, which included 1037 gift books by students, professors and university professors, and 4352 books for cash and non-cash.
At the same time 15 people work in the Library and are responsible for ensuring students' knowledge and full-time academic and bibliographic literacy with professors, teachers, and students.
Head of the library:
Izzatov Muhabbat
High degree
Mob: (+992) 918 67 63 78
Specialist for library:
Ibrohimov Bobojon Abdurasulovich
High degree
Mob: (+992)-987-58-68-98
Mirzoeva Sitora
High degree
Mob: (+992 90) 095-08-80
Department of retention of new literature:
Ubaydulloeva Dilorom Qurbonalievna
High degree
Preservation catalogues of library at department of retention on new literature:
Ashurova Gulchehra Qurbonovna
Incomplete higher education
Mob: (+992 91) 865-51-97
Main librarian:
Ermatova U
High Education
Mob: (+992) 985 39 10 86