Experience report for the first half of 2018-2019


Experience report for the first half of 2018-2019

      Submission of reports on the graduate study of pedagogical students of 4th grade specialties of Tajik language and literature, the Department of History of Philology of Tajikistan and Journal of the State University of Kulyab named Abubdulohi Rudaki in the first half of the 2018-2019 academic year. In the second half of the year 2016-2017, the Board of Science of the Republic of Tajikistan has been discussed the pedagogical practice of higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan (the decision of the Board of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan on 28.01.2017, # 1/16). departments, faculties, and other faculties of the university took the lead on the basis of the educational background of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the teaching experience is a part of the educational process in higher education and one of the ways in which medium to prepare to become future professional activity of specialists. In the process of experience, students take on the skills they have acquired in practicing, taking their own skills and abilities to fulfill their future career. It is known that the teacher's experience in the University has its goals and objectives. The Educational Center educates students and interns in carrying out their independent educational and educational work in the institution of the parents with a parent, and also finds ways to create a solution for the younger generation. At the same time, the teaching experience teaches students how to work independently with children's and teens, with community organizations , favorable conditions for the development of an internationally qualified person, as well as the development of a younger generation.

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