On January 26, at the Cultural Hall of the Kulyab Festival, the Festival "Chakomai gesu" was held at the first stage with the participation of the head of the Khatlon State Administration and Rano Rahimzoda, Deputy Spokesperson of Kulyab city Kenjamo Majidova festivals, exhibitions, festivals and competitions tradition and crafts in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2019-2021, approved by the order of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 13, 2018, №P-1140, at the Palace of the Kulob city "Festival was held Cakomai gesu". The main purpose of the festival "Show" festival is to showcase, decorate, hair, turn, movement, communication of girls, showcased artistic and so on national culture and traditions promoting national traditions, such as bridges, headwear, embroidery, jewelry, the revival of traditional traditions and ceremonies, and folk art exhibitions. Festivities of the "Chakomai gesu" will allow the parties to reach an ever-growing breeding habit, hairdressing ornamentation of the local, artistic and cultural diversity, and the arts of the artists and artisans. This festival is featured in the three sections, organized by the artists and artisans of the artists and artists and, in this regard, the national curtains, bridesmaids, knitwear, jewelry, croats, crafts, knitwear, tiredness and disillusionment) with local clothes.